As ministers of God’s Holy Word, the Dominican priests and brothers of the Province of St. Martin de Porres follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ himself, a poor and humble preacher and teacher of God’s Kingdom. Along with the thousands of friars (priests and brothers of the Order) throughout the past eight centuries, we strive to live out the Order’s mottoes: Veritas (Truth) and Contemplata aliis Tradere (to give to others the fruits of our contemplation). We do so in a variety of ways throughout our province:
as contemplatives and theologians
as educators in colleges, universities, seminaries, and high schools
as itinerant preachers (friars who travel from place to place) and pastors
as chaplains to hospitals and prisons
as campus ministers in colleges and universities
as artists and musicians
as advocates for justice and peace
In an area encompassing eleven southern states, we minister to the needs of people in every stratum of society – rich and poor, young and old, all races, ethnicities, and walks of life. As mendicant friars, we depend on the generosity of our benefactors to ensure that the Dominican charism of preaching the Gospel for the salvation of souls continues in our own day among the people we serve.
Click below for a list of Dominican parishes and ministries.