A vocation is a serious life commitment, a call, to follow our Lord Jesus Christ. Because you're here, you likely want to determine what His call is for your life. This contemplation of what Jesus is calling you to is discernment.
All Christians have a vocation to holiness, but the Lord calls some to follow Him in consecrated life and the priesthood. Consecrated through the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, Dominican priests and brothers seek to glorify God, to strive for personal sanctification, and to work for the salvation of souls.
The vocation of a Dominican friar is to preach the truth of Jesus Christ!
How do you discern your vocation?
Grow in Prayer and in Your Spiritual Life
In addition to Sunday Mass, attend Daily Mass
Frequent the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once a month
Begin spiritual direction with a priest, preferably a Dominican priest if possible (more below)
Develop a regular schedule of daily prayer
The Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office), especially Lauds (Morning Prayer) and Vespers (Evening Prayer) (The Dominican Compline App lets you pray and chant alongside the friars)
Pray the Rosary daily
Scripture (Bible) reading which could include Lectio Divina
A man discerning a call to Dominican life conducts himself in such a way that is becoming of one aspiring to religious life.
If you’re in college, be involved in the campus ministry and the liturgical life on your campus.
If you’re out of college, register at a parish, contribute to the collection, and volunteer in the parish community.
Prudently moderate your use of the internet, television, etc.
Practice a healthy pattern of living: good diet, regular exercise, proper hygiene, etc.
Spiritual Direction
Discerning your vocation does not happen alone. You need the help of a wise priest or religious brother with whom you can share your hopes and struggles in discernment. When you meet with your spiritual director you discuss your prayer life and how to improve it as well as what you are doing to help you listen to Christ's call. You're honest with him regarding any issues you may have with chastity or other struggles. If you have any questions about the faith you can bring these up as well. The goal of spiritual direction is to help you to follow Jesus more closely in your life.
Visit Us
There is no substitute for meeting a friar in person. We Dominican friars are blessed in that there are many books, articles, histories, and even movies made about us. But these things will only give you a small picture of Dominican life. Meeting a friar and seeing how he lives, will give you a greater insight into what our charism is all about. Our priories and houses are open to receiving guests for prayer, meals, and Mass. Even if there aren’t Dominicans in your immediate area, you can schedule a visit to one of our many communities. Click here to see a list of our ministries.
Take the next step, contact us at the links below.